Also notice the alternating row background color in the table. 另外也要注意,在表中的交互行背景颜色。
For this example, the background color of the block will be yellow. 对于本例,标题栏的背景色将是黄色。
Foreground and background color selection, to improve readability 前景和背景颜色选择,改善可读性
Use1 to guarantee a white background color in the final movie. 使用1来保证在最终影片中使用白色背景色。
Including a header row with proper field names and a background color. 包括一个具有合适字段名和背景色的标题行。
I selected the Argyle pattern and changed the background color to a shade of blue. 我选择了Argyle模式,并将背景颜色改成带阴影的蓝色。
Background color changes are made in the stylesheet. 背景颜色更改在样式表中进行。
Adding a background color on alternating rows. 在交替行上添加一个背景色。
It can include a number of attributes, including width, height, and background color. 它可以包括一些属性,例如宽度、高度和背景颜色。
This gives every Web site loaded a blue background, overriding the site's default background color. 这为每个装入的Web站点提供了蓝色背景,并覆盖了站点的默认背景色。
Each one is set up with a different background color to aid in the development process. 并且每一个都是用不同的背景颜色设置好的以协助开发过程。
( Obsolete) The background color used to display text and graphics in the control. (过时)用于显示控件中文本和图形的背景色。
Selectable font, text color and background color for editor. 可选的字体,文字颜色和背景颜色编辑器。
This is some text with the background color changed so you can see it. 这些文本更改了颜色,这样你能够看到这些文本。
The first value in the array will be passed to the subreport as the background color. 数组中的第一个值将传递给子报表作为背景颜色。
Indicates if the background color in the animation file should be used. 指示是否应该使用动画文件中的背景色。
Troy: I think that stems from the bright background color. 特洛伊:我认为这都是因为太亮的背景颜色产生的干扰。
If you define colors for your web elements ( like header and links), you should also define the background color. 如果你为你的网络元素定义了颜色(如:标题和链接),那么你也应该定义背景色。
Some themes apply a background color to your drawing. 某些主题将背景色应用于绘图。
The font, foreground, background color set is its limitations. 对字体,前景、背景色进行设置是它的局限性。
Change the background color of text. 更改文本的背景色。
Make sure fonts are readable and have enough of a color contrast between the background color and text color. 要确定字体是易读的而且文本颜色和背景颜色之间差异明显。
Generally, images have some kind of background color, often white. 一般而言,形象都有底色,往往白。
Specifies the background color used to display text and graphics in an object. 指定对象内文本和图形的背景色。
Set-OpenXmlBackground: Sets the background color or image of a Wordprocessing document. Set-OpenXmlBackground:为字处理文档设置背景颜色或图片。
You can also change the background color of the control. 您还可以改变控件的背景颜色。
You can change the background color of a cell or row with background cell highlighting. 通过“背景单元格突出显示”,可以更改某个单元格或某行的背景色。
Common settings include custom background color, text color, and font properties. 常用设置包括自定义背景色、文本颜色和字体属性。
Any empty portions of the screen will display the current Camera's Background Color. 任何空部分,屏幕显示为当前相机的背景色。
Yellow Background color applied to a button. 应用给按钮一个黄色背景颜色。